Sunday, September 6, 2009

Never Use White Type on a Black Background

Founded this book in Page book yesterday. It was interesting book, which list of 50 Design Rules. After I read it, I had realized that I did follow and break some of them.

Here's my favorite rules from the book:
1) Good Designers Copy, great designers steal
2) Make it pretty
3) Design is thinking made visual
4) Design isn't art
5) Make it pretty
6) Make it new
7) K.I.S.S Keep it simple, stupid
8) Use a grid
9) A picture is worth a thousand words
10)The logo must be recognizable
11)Helevtica always works
12)Good Design communicates
13)Never use more than two typefaces
14)Never copy and paste
15)Leave it to last minute
16)Know your audience
17)Break the rules

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